Teams in Motion®: LearningBurst Bundle

There are four LearningBursts in this bundle that address some of the elements of team effectiveness that are prove in research.  These modules can be completed by team leaders who need to lead the way and facilitate progress or by intact teams who want to learn to work better together.
  • Drive Effective Decision-Making in Teams
  • Combat Cognitive Bias in Decision-Making 
  • Capitalize on Conflict in Teams
  • Increase Team Effectiveness with DiSC
  • Make Meetings Work

See a summary of each LearningBurst below.

Select Continue to access your purchased LearningBursts.

Drive Effective Decision-Making in Team

We love it when our teams debate forever and ever and then make “ok” decisions that don’t really stick... said no one ever! In this 30-minute LearningBurst, you will be introduced to the fundamentals of healthy debate and sound Decision-Making processes that will set your team up for long-term success.  
Write your awesome label here.

Watch this introductory video for a preview of the course

Write your awesome label here.

Watch this introductory video for a preview of the course.

Combat Cognitive Bias in Teams

In this 30-minute LearningBurst, you will explore what unconscious cognitive bias is, how to recognize it, how it impacts the goal of achieving the highest quality of thought in analysis and decision-making and define steps you can take to combat the impact of Cognitive Bias in your work.

Capitalize on Conflict on Teams

In this 30-minute LearningBurst, you will learn various models for not only managing conflict, but how to harness and capitalize on it. Your new perspective will redefine the word 'conflict,' dispelling negative connotations and opening space for a positive and powerful context. 

Watch this introductory video for a preview of the course.

Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

Watch this introductory video for a preview of the course.

Increase Team Effectiveness with DiSC

In this 30-minute LearningBurst, you will get to know how the DISC profile can help communication and interactions when you appreciate style differences, understand your style, and learn how to adapt your style to improve relationships. 

To maximize your learning, you should complete an online DISC assessment and have your report ready. To purchase a Wiley Everything DiSC, click here before completing your online program.

Make Meetings Work

Are there times when you feel like you spend all day going from meeting to meeting--and at the end of the day wonder what you really accomplished?

In this LearningBurst you will learn how to effectively Prepare, Facilitate, and Follow-Up your meetings. Are the right people in the room? Is the agenda clear? Has prep-work been assigned? Learn the best practices for leading and making every meeting more effective. 
Write your awesome label here.

Watch this introductory video for a preview of the course.