Productivity in Motion: LearningBurst Bundle
How to Receive Feedback Well: Use a Growth Mindset
Getting feedback is so important we should ask for it regularly. It is empowering to seek feedback. It means we are humble enough to continue to learn and confident enough to seek some coaching. But being open to receiving feedback is not always easy. It requires a growth mindset and thinking from the pre-frontal cortex – the logical part of the brain.
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Make Meetings Work: Go Beyond the Basics
Are there times when you feel like you spend all day going from meeting to meeting--and at the end of the day wonder what you really accomplished? In this LearningBurst you will learn how to effectively Prepare, Facilitate, and Follow-Up your meetings. Are the right people in the room? Is the agenda clear? Has prep-work been assigned? Learn the best practices for leading and making every meeting more effective.
Write your awesome label here.
Be Productive at Work
We’re busy. But being busy does not always equate to being productive. Consider what you could accomplish if you were focused on getting the most important things done first? It all starts with knowing your priorities—meaning you have defined your goals and know which ones are most important for you to achieve.
In this MicroBurst, you will learn to prioritize your work using an urgent / important matrix and discover how blocking your schedule will lead to greater productivity.
Improve Your Emotional Intelligence
Research shows that one of the most critical factors for success at work is emotional intelligence.
In this MicroBurst, you will learn to be more effective at work by:
- Understanding your natural approach to social and emotional situations at work
- Flexing your approach to best meet the needs of the situation
- Identifying 1 or 2 priorities for your personal professional development.
In this MicroBurst, you will learn to prioritize your work using an urgent / important matrix and discover how blocking your schedule will lead to greater productivity.
Present So People Listen
In this 30-minute LearningBurst, you will learn the secret behind captivating an audience so they both hear and remember what you say in a world where everyone is talking, and few people are listening. Be the voice people choose to listen to!